Tell us your storiesWrite to us with your ideas for topics to discuss, funny stories, requests | more
Previous shows Missed a show, no worries, we’ve recorded our shows to listen again | more
The archives So we won't forget too quickly the fun that we've had | more
Easy listening music, chat & laughs
Ready to step away from all the stress and negativity in this crazy world today? Pour your coffee or glass of wine, pull up a chair and unwind with us for a positive and relaxing evening full of lively banter and laughs | more
Every week we'll bring
you our favourite song of the week| more
We'll be broadcasting live on Sunday
evenings from the studios of Radio Coteaux in the Gascony region | more
The Flattery Show launched on the 6th of February 2011 and ran to June 2011. As all of you must have felt, we the show hosts, had amazing fun creating and broadcasting this show. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so too, after 21 superb shows, the Flattery Show is now off the air as we wonder off to concentrate on other projects. We thank all our listeners for your support and contributions, without which this show would never have been so fantastic!
All is not entirely over however, and to entertain you some more, starting July 10th 2011, a special new show hosted by John Slattery, will fill the same Sunday evening slot on Radio Coteaux. Check out the Gascony Show.