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CardFocus Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is the User Name and Password for demo versions?

  2. How do I use the demo CD?

  3. Where can I find the user's manual?

  4. What is meant by 'tailor-made' VisitorBook?

  5. What operating systems are supported?

  6. Do I need DAO and other components on Windows 95/98?

  7. What Windows Registry permissions are required?

What is the UserName and Password for demo versions?

For demo versions of all software editions, use:

UserName: Admin
Password: Admin

Note, case sensitive. For production (licensed) systems, use this same password for the first login, then change the Admin password to a secure password of your choosing.

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How do I use the demo CD?

The demo CD that you receive from your distributor contains all 5 editions of CardFocus - Lite, Express, Professional, Premium and VisitorBook. When you install the software and start the CardFocus system, you will be allowed to run any of the 4 demos.

If you choose to purchase one of the products, you will receive a security dongle device to enable you to run the production version of the CardFocus product. Simply follow these steps:

  • Insert the dongle into the parallel port of your computer

  • Run the program dongle install utility (INSTALL.exe) from the CD to install the dongle drivers (for more information, see Dongle Security Device Installation)

  • Reboot your computer  and start CardFocus

You will notice that CardFocus no longer starts in demo mode - instead, the CardFocus edition you have purchased will start. The dongle must remain plugged into the parallel port of your computer while you are running the program.

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Where can I find the user's manual?

The manual is in the top directory on the CardFocus CD that you received from your distributor. It is a PDF document and therefore Acrobat Reader is required for viewing. 

For environmental reasons and to reduce costs, we have chosen not to issue a printed manual with every copy of CardFocus distributed. This is becoming industry policy as people grow concerned at the millions of tons of computer manuals printed every year. If you find you really need a printed manual, please contact Sabadille's Technical Support.

Note that the manual will be copied to your hard disk during the installation process. To view the installed manual, select the icon for the manual in the Programs menu under the Start menu.

What is meant by 'tailor-made' VisitorBook?

CardFocus Lite, Express, Professional and Premium all access back-end data in a generic fashion. In contrast, the VisitorBook has a data entry interface that does just what the name suggests - it is built (or 'tailor-made') to allow the user to most effectively manage visitors. The user can check visitors IN and OUT, timestamp a visitor's time of arrival and departure, store relevant visitor details, capture a visitor's image and design and print visitor identification labels or cards. In addition, reports on the visitor data, such as a list of currently IN visitors, can be customized and viewed or printed.


What operating systems are supported?

CardFocus runs on Windows 95/98 and 2000, Me and XP. You can connect to supported databases on any of these platforms and also to databases running on back-end Unix based servers.


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Do I need DAO and other components on Windows 95/98?

CardFocus requires DAO 3.6 or above to be installed on your system. If you already have Microsoft Access on your system then DAO is already installed. In case you are having difficulties connecting to databases (getting database related errors) and Microsoft Access is not installed on your system, then you will need to install DAO.
To install DAO, download and install the latest version of Microsoft Jet 4.0. For more information on Microsoft Jet 4.0, please follow the link: 


Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 239114


DCOM95 should be installed on Windows 95 systems that do not have DCOM installed. DCOM95 is distributed in a file called Dcom95.exe (use the Windows95 update area to locate and download this). DCOM is pre-installed on Windows 98, so this step is only required for Windows 95.
Run the latest version of Mdac_typ.exe (you can download it here) to install the Microsoft Data Access components. Most components required to use DAO are included in the MDAC redistributable setup file Mdac_typ.exe. For example, all the DLLs that comprise Jet 4.0 are included in Mdac_typ.exe. 
Now download and unzip it into a temporary directory. Create a directory with the name DAO under
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared
and copy Dao360.dll to this directory. In addition, Dao360.dll must be registered as a COM DLL. This can be done by typing the following into the start > run box. 
RegSvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll" 
(Ensure that the file name is specified within quotes) 
If you have any problems installing DAO, please contact Sabadille's Technical Support


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What Windows Registry permissions are required

CardFocus  uses the Windows system registry quite extensively to store and retrieve numerous settings. You can configure CardFocus'  registry settings to be unique for each Windows' user, or alternatively, you can configure the settings to be the same for all Windows' users on a workstation. To do this, toggle between 'User Based' and 'Machine Based' in the Registry Settings Menu under Configuration in CardFocus.

  1. If you choose 'Machine Based', then CardFocus settings are stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE

    "Card Application"
    "CF Card Application"
    "CardFocus Database"

  2. If you choose 'User Based', then CardFocus settings are stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software

    "Card Application"
    "CF Card Application"
    "CardFocus Database"

Usually, all Windows users have permissions to access and write to their HKEY_CURRENT_USER area in the registry, so there should be no registry permissions issues when using the 'User Based' setting.

By default under Windows, only users with Administrator privileges can write to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE area. For this reason, if you select 'Machine Based' settings in CardFocus, you may need to grant write permissions to Windows' users with limited privileges. To do this, login in as system administrator and do the following:

  1. Select "Run..." from the Start menu.

  2. Type "regedit" (without the quote marks) and press "OK".

  3. You will see a "tree". Press the "+" next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

  4. Press the "+" next to "SOFTWARE".

  5. Starting with "Card Application", right-click on each of the folders listed above and select "Permissions" from the menu that appears.

  6. Scroll down the list to "Users" and select it by tapping on it once.

  7. Check the box next to "Full control" in the "Allow" column.

  8. Press "OK" to close the dialog box, and then close the Regedit program.

  9. To be on the safe side you may want to reboot your computer, and then run CardFocus again.

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