of breed in Photo ID
Real-easy design and
printing of Photo ID
cards. |
Photo ID Design & Printing plus
Identity Management Solutions
Described as the most versatile identity card design software available, our Photo ID solutions provide refreshingly advanced yet simple to work with graphical user interfaces. |
Packed into these solutions are all the tools needed to design and print cards, enabling total control over card production and management.
The powerful connectivity features of these systems enable seamless integration with existing computing infrastructures, so that customers can design and print cards based on their own data.
For customers without databases, CardFocus includes a powerful database utility for the creation and maintenance of secure card databases, so no need for extra database software.
And no need for expensive add-on modules such as a biometric or network module! CardFocus Professional offers an open, comprehensive, easily integrated, network-ready identity management solution that includes advanced features as standard - features that might cost you extra with competitive products.