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Database Connectivity

Except for the CardFocus VisitorBook edition which has a dedicated database, CardFocus integration features permit maximum interoperability. This means a single card in CardFocus can be linked to one of a diverse range of back-end database management systems. CardFocus does not target a specific DBMS product. Instead, CardFocus uses modules called database ODBC drivers that link the application to a choice of database management systems.

ODBC defines a low-level set of calls which allow client applications and server applications to exchange instructions and share data without needing to know anything about each other. It applies to any Client-Server operation, whether or not the client and server applications are resident on the same machine, or on different PC's, or even if the server is on a remote machine running a different operating system. 

CardFocus harnesses the power of ODBC to enable users to link to their existing data in ODBC compliant databases such as

  • Miscrosoft SQL Server 
  • Oracle 
  • Informix 
  • SuperBase 

In addition, CardFocus has built-in modules to enable working seamlessly with text files, formatted Excel Spreadsheets and Microsoft Access databases.


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