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The Photo ID & Printing Solution

CardFocus is a suite of powerful integrated software packages for real-easy design and printing of Photo ID cards. CardFocus is the ideal solution for identity cards of every nature, student cards, localty cards, membership cards, visitor passes and many more applications. 



Best of breed in Photo ID

The advanced graphical user interface unique to CardFocus is such that the user or operator can locate all the operational features on the same main screen. The in-built WYSIWYG card designer means no need for separate programs to design and layout cards - everything is on one screen.


CardFocus includes a powerful integration environment that enables customers to link their cards to a range of different back-end Windows and Unix databases to see their cards populated with their own data.

The multifunctional imaging facility can be used to easily capture and crop live images from cameras or static images from scanners and files for storage in databases and for printing on cards.

Networking could not be more simple than with CardFocus - it takes just a few mouse-clicks to enable multiple operators to work simultaneously with the same database to enter data and print cards.

When it comes to advanced options, customers can select from the in-built barcode and magnetic stripe encoding modules to issue their cards with security features that can be read using standard barcode and magnetic stripe readers. Or data can be sent to smart card programs for chip encoding during the print process.

Biometric data such as signatures and fingerprints is captured using compatible signature and fingerprint capture devices. Fingerprints can be authenticated using the latest software algorithms for print matching.

Most useful for professional bureau work, CardFocus multi-windowed system enables customers to work on any number of card designs simultaneously with the point-and-click WYSIWYG card designer.

Customers can benefit from the many advantages that mobile computing offers to photo ID applications with the inbuilt mobile database technology. Data can be captured and cards issued at customer sites, while mobile photo ID databases are periodically synchronized with a central master database.

There are 5 different Windows based editions in the CardFocus suite of products so as to best meet customer requirements for identification solutions. For the CardFocus visitor management solution, see the specially tailored VisitorBook edition of CardFocus. 

For any of the products in the CardFocus suite, ask us for a demo or purchase through one of our distributors.


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